Monday, January 16, 2012

Words are what you make of them...

The Book of Souls is clear about all things laid bare
within it's leather bound ancient covers. Whether or
not humanity chooses to pay attention and abide by
the simple offerings is quite another matter.

Some of the many fine gems, which sentimentality and
blind eyes try and rule out, are such obvious claims as;

* Friends are a dubious lot indeed. They are just as
likely to throw you under a bus (not the original
wording!) as repayment for your loyalties as they
would be to look at you.

* When you give support and accommodation to
another, whether within the bounds of agreement
or not, there is no guarantee that a reciprocation
will be forthcoming.

* To speak truth is indeed to grasp hold of an
outsider's life full throttle. Such status will be
alternately illuminating and infuriating, but that is
no different than any other path's rewards.

* Having embarked on a journey with a status of
'troublemaker' (the wicked's onus for one who makes
their life more difficult,) you may find that those on
your path bring troubles to you readily.

* Paths are sometimes decided for us, if only for
a period, but if we are steadfast, we may find that
travails are not only unavoidable, but no longer
undesirable. There is merit in the sun rising as well
as setting.

* The masses in any town imagine themselves
squarely correct in all matters, but this no more
makes it so than the raising of one's voice makes it
so... or repetition, or committing to type and text,
or spreading to a greater and greater majority their

* Those who deny themselves doing what they want
will replace the loss by investing tirelessly in a new
venture for distraction; generally directing others as to
what they should or should not do.

For such a small book, it resolutely sets forth many
wondrous adages and proverbs. Perhaps it is the
quiet and unassuming nature of the observations that
has caused it to remain lacking in popularity.

Perhaps the time has simply not yet come when
man is prepared for an outline that does not demand,
nor tear apart reason, in order to impart wisdom.


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