Friday, July 9, 2010

Progressive Illness

My swallow goes down tersely,
concern beckons
Lymph nodes swollen as teenage importance,
hard and unforgiving as Ann Coulter's face,
My neck was stiff yesterday as I recall
I smelled mildew when I entered the trailer;
a leak in the wall? 
Black Mold
Months-long breathing in deeply at night
my already-embattled lungs absorbing disease
Bronchogenic carcinoma? 
What's the one on the TV lawyer ad?
My heart's beating too damned fast
Can't get stressed and have a stroke
Maybe the lymphs are stress-related
Too much adrenal release
Maybe hyper-thyroid disease
Is it iodine that treats that
or is it caused by overabundance of iodine?
Did I take an aspirin today?
The cancer may be spreading while I sit here
Probably on my brain stem already
Been having headaches lately
Stiffness in joints
That cough at night may be from the toxic mold
You know the house insurance won't pay
That manufacturer didn't build this place right
I know it's going to be a battle
Should have gotten personal medical
I don't know with what?
They don't take 'good looks' as payment,
I won't have them much longer anyway.
You know all insurance does is deny you
Wait for you give up or die..why would I want that hassle?
Good doctor's too far away anyway
Nothing good in this town
Won't be long til everybody is gone
A specialist wouldn't be covered I bet
I really hate being sick
I don't want to be debilitated
There's no one to stay with me
How would I get things done?
Incapacitated, but not crippled I hope
Dying alone
No will needed; nothing to leave
Empty funeral parlor
Pine Box, unmarked grave
Had lots of processed food today
Maybe I just need to drink more water.

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